Since 1980, Judy Wolf has focused her practice on family law litigation, mediation and arbitration. Judy’s vast experience in the legal field has shaped her concentrated practice of mediation.
In addition to her mediation and arbitration practice, Judy has lectured to national legal, mediation and psychology groups. Judy also has more than 30 years of experience training lawyers on how to better represent clients in mediation.
In June 2015, Judy was selected as an outstanding contributor to the practice of family law in the State of Arizona by the Executive Council of the Family Section of the State Bar. Judy was one of only two family lawyers in Phoenix given this award and the only woman statewide.
Parri Willie
Mediation Assistant
Parri joined Arizona Mediation Institute in 2014. Prior to that, she spent many years painting murals and faux finishes in homes across the valley while raising her two children. Parri enjoys being a part of the team at AMI and having the opportunity to offer support during the mediation process.